You can choose the number of books you want with our flexible plans. Explore an ever-growing collection of more than 20000 books.
The most successful people in the world read 50 books each year. That is about 4 books each month. And now you can easily achieve the same goal. Enrich your life, elevate your days and achieve more both personally and professionally. Knowledge is the way.
You can choose the number of books you want with our flexible plans. Explore an ever-growing collection of more than 20000 books.
Our Membership Plans start very low. Pick up & delivery to your home are FREE.
We provide all categories of books and a BEST SELLER section.
You get unlimited book exchanges whichever plan you choose to purchase. Books are delivered to your home within 48 hrs.
If a book isn't available, we buy it for you. A special treat for our members.
Books are available in English, Hindi, Marathi. Books in Bengali and other regional languages are on the way.
- Our Mission
Books are our best friends!
We created Libros because we love reading. Books are our passion, and we strongly believe that reading can help us all create a better world. Whether we read to learn something new or read to have a good time and find excitement in a great story, reading is fulfilling and rewarding.
We feel it is important for all of us to take a break from our hectic schedule and pursue our passion on a regular basis. It feels fantastic when you learn so many new things or simply enjoy great fiction and fantasy!
Especially for children, an abundance of books works as a magical distraction from the gadgets and electronics that keep them constantly occupied. Continuous delivery of actual books is a source of knowledge and enjoyment for all those who cannot access a physical library regularly.
We are honoured to give you the opportunity to enlighten yourself, lead a stress-free life and spend time with your favourite books. Reading is an unmatched good habit.
Happy Reading!
- Shatabdi Paul & Kamini Bonde
Libros is an Online Library of physical books. We have constantly growing collection of more than 20000 books, we deliver the books you want to your home. When you download the app and purchase the plan that fits your needs, you can select the books you want and place your order.
In case you want a book, and we don’t have it in our library we will buy it and bring it to you. We want all our members to be happy and have access to all the books they desire. The books are delivered to your home within 48 hrs and bring knowledge and enjoyment to you and your family! The standard time for keeping a book is three weeks, but you can request an extension for a week or even more.
Once you finish reading, you can place a return request, and the books will be picked up from your home and bought back to the library. We offer Delivery & Pickup for FREE. All our plans are Risk-FREE since you can cancel at any time without any questions asked. We will even refund the balance of the remaining months.
The App is Free, and you can download it from Play Store or App Store.
- Ernest Hemingway
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Download the app for FREE from Play Store or App store now. Immediately you will be able to browse our collection of 20000 books and order the books of your choice. In case a book you want is not available, you can receive a notification when it is back in circulation. FREE Delivery & Pickup from your house.